Autumn Sports News
Indoor Athletics Tournament
Y5 and Y6 did a spectacular job in competing at the Indoor Athletics Tournament at Northfield, Billingham, our school came in first place.
Year 6 Tag Rugby Festival
We had a fabulous time at the festival, having the opportunity to represent Whitehouse in tag rugby. The pupils involved were incredible, one group coming in first and the other fifth out of eight teams. We thought that this was a great achievement considering that the majority of our teams were made up from our talented Year 5 pupils.
Autumn After-School Clubs
Whitehouse Primary School has a great range of After School Sports Clubs. During the autumn term, we were able to choose from Street Dance, Football and Multi-Sports.
Up and Coming Events-Spring
Cross Country Tournament-Friday 9th January (Year 3/4) and Friday 16th January (Year 5/6)
Sainsbury’s School Games: